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Description: A site built to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. The site has an archive of photos as well as memories from alumni.
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Description: The events featured on this website commemorate the 200th anniversary year of William Still’s birth
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: A research project of the Center for Global Communication Studies that offered a resource to scholars, practitioners, and ICT users to move forward critical thinking on the role of ICTs in Africa.
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Description: A website for the film "Bad Friday: Rastafari After Coral Gardens," a documentary directed by Professors Deborah A. Thomas and John L. Jackson, Jr.
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Creator: Bad Friday
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Penn Bioethics Journal (PBJ) is a peer-reviewed undergraduate bioethics journal. Established in 2004, the Journal provides a venue for undergraduates to make contributions to the field of bioethics.
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Subject: Penn Bioethics Journal
Group: Student and Community Publications
Creator: Penn Bioethics Journal
Language: English
Type: Student website
Source of Description: Title from home page (viewed November 19, 2024); Description based on home page (viewed November 19, 2024)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: School of Art and Sciences
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Funded by the National Cancer Institute, and under the direction of Robert Hornik, Ph.D., the Wilbur Schramm Professor of Communication and Health Policy, Penn CECCR was a five-year project focused on the relationship between public communication and cancer-related decisions.
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Description: The Center's mission is to elucidate the mechanistic links between environmental exposures and human disease and translate its findings into action to improve the health of vulnerable individuals, and local, national and global communities.
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Description: The HMS Center's mission is the study of computer graphics and animation applied to the creation, animation, and utilization of human characters, crowd modeling and control, and computational connections between language and action.
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Description: The Business Services Division (BSD) supports the individual and collective needs of the Penn community by promoting a hospitable, customer-friendly campus environment through the provision of mission-critical services and essential operations.
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Description: The University of Pennsylvania's child care center is for children ages three months to five years. Located on the University campus, the Center is administered by the Division of Business Services at Penn.
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Group: Administrative and General
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Children's Center
Language: English
Type: University website
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed Jan 3, 2025); Title from the HTML header (viewed Jan 3, 2025)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Penn Mail Services is responsible for the processing of all intramural mail and outgoing correspondence.
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Group: Administrative and General
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Print and Interactive Communications
Language: English
Type: University website
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed Jan 3, 2025); Title from the HTML header (viewed Jan 3, 2025)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Penn's Department of Transportation, Parking and Commuting is dedicated to providing superior service that offers safe, convenient, sustainable, and accessible options to those who come to this world-renowned institution to work, study, and visit.
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Group: Administrative and General
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Transportation and Parking
Language: English
Type: University website
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed Jan 3, 2025); Title from the HTML header (viewed Jan 3, 2025)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: COMPASS (Consortium on Media Policy Studies) is a consortium of doctoral programs that sponsors select Ph.D. students to spend a summer in Washington D.C. and places them in fellowships with prominent governmental and non-governmental groups.
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Group: Student Organizations
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. COMPASS
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Founded in 1991 as The Architectural Conservation Laboratory (ACL), the CAC provides a unique intellectual environment for those pursuing focused study in architectural conservation and building technology. The Center encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration on contemporary issues related to the conservation of culturally significant buildings, monuments, and sites throughout the world including issues of sustainability.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Franklin Catalog includes searchable, descriptive records of the holdings of all the Penn Libraries, excluding the Biddle Law Library, which has a separate Catalog.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Internet Policy Observatory (IPO), which ended in 2018, was a project at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. The overarching goal of the program is to deepen the reservoir of researchers and advocates in regions where Internet freedom is threatened or curtailed and to support the production of innovative, high-quality, and impactful internet policy research. The IPO facilitates collaboration between research and advocacy communities, builds research mentorships between emerging and established scholars, and engages in trainings to build capacity for more impactful digital rights research and advocacy.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Musical and sketch comedy troupe at the University of Pennsylvania for underrepresented gender identities in comedy.
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Group: Student Organizations
Creator: Bloomers Comedy
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Iran Media Program was a collaborative network designed to enhance the understanding of Iran's media ecology. It was based at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania from 2010 to 2017.
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Description: The Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics, directed by Professor Diana Mutz, promotes research on the many ways citizens interact with the political world. Much of ISCAP’s research focuses on public opinion, political psychology, and political communication.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Mapping Penn: Land Acquisitions, 1870 – present is an online mapping application that allows users to access, analyze and map data about University of Pennsylvania properties based on University Archive records.
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Group: Administrative and General
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. University Archives and Records Center
Language: English
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed Jan 3, 2025); Title from the HTML header (viewed Jan 3, 2025)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Mapping West Philadelphia: Landowners in October 1777 is a web-based, geographic data application open to the public and directly supports broad and detailed analysis of the growth of the Philadelphia area in the eighteenth century
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Group: Administrative and General
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. University Archives and Records Center
Language: English
Type: University website
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed Jan 3, 2025); Title from the HTML header (viewed Jan 3, 2025)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Department stands as one of the premier institutions of research and education in medical ethics and health policy in the world. The Department's distinguished faculty produce and disseminate scholarship and lead three master’s degree programs: the Master of Bioethics, the Master of Science in Medical Ethics, and the online Master of Health Care Innovation.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Ortner Center is dedicated to increasing women’s well-being by identifying societal changes that might affect violence against women and girls, using the latest technological advances in qualitative and quantitative research, and developing the next generation of national and global leaders.
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Description: The website both supports the documentary film Out of the Question: Women, Media, and the Art of Inquiry and provides biographical and bibliographical information about a group of pioneering women in the fields of communication and media research.
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Description: The Penn Art Appreciation Society (PAAS) was founded for those who want to develop an understanding of art and share their interests in art but feel too confined by majors or class periods.
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Group: Student Organizations
Creator: Penn Art Appreciation Society
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Penn Asian Review is an open forum that accepts blog entry submissions pertaining to any region of Asia from any Penn student or scholarly contributor.
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Group: School of Art and Sciences
Creator: Penn Asian Review
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Penn's All Male, all-vegetarian, all-volunteer firefighter, all-male model A Capella group.
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Group: Student Organizations
Creator: Pennchants
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Preserving Society Hill documents the history of Philadelphia’s Society Hill neighborhood during the era immediately before, during, and after urban renewal.
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Group: Administrative and General
Language: English
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: This program is a group of undergraduate students at the University of Pennsylvania dedicated to enriching local K-12 students' lives through music education. They partner with several campus and community organizations, as well as local schools, to provide free music lessons in piano, strings, brass, percussion, and more.
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Group: Administrative and General
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Music Mentoring Program
Language: English
Type: University website
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed Jan 3, 2025); Title from the HTML header (viewed Jan 3, 2025)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Penn Political Review was founded in 2003 as The Soapbox Magazine. The founding principle is that everyone Penn has something to say about the political and social institutions around him or her. It is not an academic journal, but rather a “soapbox” for members of the Penn community to share their opinions and learn from one another about the diverse viewpoints found on Penn’s campus.
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Group: Student and Community Publications
Creator: Penn Political Review
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Penn Student Government (PSG) reaches many corners of student life, from funding hundreds of student groups, to planning social events, guest speakers, and concerts, to advocating on behalf of students on academics and other issues, and ensuring that all voices—particularly the under- and mis-represented ones—get heard by the administration.
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Description: The Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania exists for those who feel that college should be about more than getting a degree. Its mission is to “increase the learning of the members and the academic prestige of the University.” Founded in 1813, the Society has pursued its mission of learning outside the classroom in whatever ways struck its membership best; a common answer to the question “what is Philo?” is “whatever Philos want it to be.”
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Group: Student Organizations
Creator: Philomathean Society
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: Since 1989, Penn Language Center (PLC) strengthens Penn’s language education and consistently supports the development of language professionals. In particular, PLC focuses on current trends in online instruction and teaching from within the National Standards.
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Subject: Language schools
Group: School of Art and Sciences
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Language Center
Language: English
Type: University website
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed November 27, 2024). Title from main page header (viewed November 27, 2024)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania provides thought leadership to the real estate community through support of cutting-edge research for current and future business leaders and policy makers, the facilitation of a partnership between industry professionals and our faculty and students, and the training of the future leadership of the real estate industry.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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Group: Graduate School of Education
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Social Planning and Events Committee (SPEC) is a branch of student government that was founded in 1989. SPEC, develops, organizes, and plans campus wide social and cultural activities for the university community.
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Group: Libraries
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Pennsylvania Gazette is the University of Pennsylvania’s alumni magazine.
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Group: University Publications
Creator: Pennsylvania Gazette
Language: English
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed Jan 3, 2025); Title from the HTML header (viewed Jan 3, 2025)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: IMPACT is a community dedicated to creating social change, beginning on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus and reaching individuals with Penn connections all over the world.
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Group: Student and Community Publications
Creator: Impact Magazine
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The Institute for Biomedical Informatics (IBI) provides an interdisciplinary home for faculty, staff and students interested in bioinformatics, clinical informatics, clinical research informatics, consumer health informatics, and public health informatics.
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Description: The Penn Institute for Urban Research (Penn IUR) is dedicated to advancing cross-disciplinary urban-focused research, instruction, and civic engagement on issues relevant to cities around the world.
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Description: Visual Inquiry was a blog devoted to exploring the transformations of visual media and their impact on society and culture. Visual Inquiry encompassed a broad range of areas, including digital media, film production, representations of science and scientists in media, emergent forms of entertainment such as web series, online social networks, privacy and surveillance. Visual inquiry began in the spring of 2010 under the guidance of the late Paul Messaris, Ph.D., Lev Kuleshov Professor Emeritus of Communication at the Annenberg School in Philadelphia.
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Description: This page holds resources authored by Professor Emeritus Klaus Krippendorff.
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Description: The Center’s mission is to support Penn’s faculty and students in their research and pedagogy, while engaging the latest trends in Italian Studies, including topics of literature, music, theatre, art, film, history, politics, economy, and society; to broaden the impact of Penn-based Italian Studies beyond Penn’s campus; to foster relationships between Penn and the following constituencies: Philadelphia’s Italian-American community, governmental entities representing Italy in the U.S., research centers and cultural organizations promoting Italian issues in the U.S.
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Group: School of Art and Sciences
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Center for Italian Studies
Language: English
Type: University website
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed December 4, 2024); Title from HTML header (viewed December 4, 2024)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
Description: The International Business Review is a student-run print publication based at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Going beyond the scope of the American economy, IBR covers a diverse array of business trends throughout the world.
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Description: Founded in 1995 by a group of students, faculty, staff and alumni, the Kelly Writers House is an actual 13-room house at 3805 Locust Walk on Penn's campus that serves as a center for writers of all kinds from Penn and the Philadelphia region at large.
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Group: Administrative and General
Creator: University of Pennsylvania. Kelly Writers House
Language: English
Type: University website
Source of Description: Description based on archived website (viewed December 11, 2024); Title from HTML header (viewed December 11, 2024)
Collector: University of Pennsylvania. Penn Libraries.
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