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Description: This is a Wikipedia article about the "Single-bullet Theory" that was first introduced by the Warren Commission during its investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. According to this theory, the President and Texas Governor John Connally were struck by the same bullet fired from above and behind the presidential limousine. This theory is commonly used to argue in favor of Lee Harvey Oswald being a lone assassin, rebutting conspiracy theories involving multiple shooters. This article provides a relatively unbiased view of the theory and therefore provides a good introduction to the topic.
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Description: This the personal blog of journal William Kelly. It focuses on highlighting any emerging evidence on the JFK assassination.
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Subject: conspiracy, evidence
Description: This site is a compilation of resources around the internet moderated and fact checked by journalist Jeffery Morely. The site also has a question section and an active community of commenters.
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Subject: Conspiracy
Description: JFK Lancer is a "historical research company" that supports conspiracy theories and has held conferences and seminars.
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Description: This site is mainly comprised of links pointing to evidence supporting the creator's theories.
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Subject: conspiracy; evidence; links
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Description: This document provides statistics for the pervasiveness of JFK assassination conspiracy theories fifty years after his death. It also provides information regarding the relative popularity of different theories among conspiracy believers. This provides context for understanding the nature and extent of the conspiracy debate in twenty-first century America.
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Subject: reference
Description: This is a forum dedicated to discussing the JFK assassination and conspiracy theories surrounding it. Notably, members are required to use their real names. In addition to discussion boards, the site includes an extensive photo gallery of images related to the assassination.
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Subject: evidence, conspiracy
Creator: Duncan MacRae
Publisher: Simple Machines Forum
Format: image, audio, video, text
Date: 2008-09/
Description: Although the site contains documents regarding other assassinations and scandals from the 1960s, this archive only contains those documents related to the JFK Assassination.
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Subject: conspiracy; evidence;
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Description: Kaplan addresses several conspiracy theories and explains why, in his opinion, they don't actually hold water. Kaplan also speculates on why people take to conspiracy theories.
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Subject: rebuttal; evidence
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Description: This site was created by an American University Honor Course focused on the JFK assassination. The site features an explanation of some of the prominent theories and main conspiracy theorists. The site does not seem to be regularly updated.
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Subject: evidence, theories, conspiracy
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